Latina Teacher Starts Blanket Drive After Student Asks Santa For Food And Blanket

Humans often take many things for granted, especially around the holidays. A heartbreakingly simple letter to Santa Claus from a 7-year-old student at Monte Cristo Elementary School in Edinburg, Texas highlighted the little things that many adults rarely fathom.


“I have been good this day. This Christmas I would like a ball and a food. I need a blanket,” read the girl’s letter. While other children are busy asking for the latest gaming console or smartphone, this first-grader would be more than happy getting a ball for both her and her brother to play with, plus some food and blankets.


Ruth Espiricueta, her teacher, never expected a homework assignment focused on learning the difference between needing and wanting would provoke these kinds of answers from so many of her students. The girl was not the only one of her pupils asking for necessities.

“As part of their needs they included food, towels, blankets, pillows, bed, clothes, shoes and a stove,” Espiricueta said. “Some of my students were not even excited about Christmas because they know that their parents can not afford to buy a Christmas tree or gifts for them.”

In an interview with ABC News, she said, “I never expected for students to ask things we usually take for granted. I was heartbroken because no one should ever go hungry or be cold on winter nights.”

Regarding the student responsible for writing the letter, Espiricueta said, “I had no idea she was going through hard times being that she is always at school with a big smile. Her act of unselfishness made me realize that I needed to share this with others.”


Espiricueta posted a photo of the letter, expressing her desire to help the students and their families. It was quickly picked up by the community and offers to make donations started to come in.

The principal at Monte Cristo Elementary School, inspired by these actions, decided to start a donation drive with the goal of collecting 724 blankets to give every student studying there. As of now, they are only 108 away from their goal.

Espiricueta says the student behind the letter “is happy her friends will also be receiving a blanket to stay warm.”

This article was inspired by New York Post // Girl’s moving message to Santa spurs blanket drive at school