Jennifer Lopez Promotes ‘Amor, Amor, Amor’ By Sliding Into DM’s

At 48-years-old Jennifer Lopez is still number one when connecting with her crowd, the Nuyorican actress will use any resource available to her to make the artist-fan experience more memorable. This time as part of a promotion campaign for her latest track “Amor, Amor, Amor” the singer decided to take a more modern route to get the word about her song out there.

With the help of social media, Lopez asked her fan to post screenshots of themselves listening to her new tune on Tweeter using the hashtag #AmorAmorAmor, in return, the lucky fans would get to shoot some direct messages with none other than ‘Jenny From the Block”.

The DM love fest occurred last Friday when JLo tweeted “Tweet #AmorAmorAmor with a screenshot of you listening to the song. I’ll be DMing some people who do!” The singer and actress came through with her promise and started DM’ing her amazed fans who showered A-Rod’s current girlfriend with nothing but love and compliments.

“Loving this song it’s on repeat can’t get enough.” Tweeted one of the excited fans, “It’s on repeat!” added another as more and more messages started piling up on the social media platform. Many participants started sharing the screenshots of their DM conversation with our Bronx queen.

JLo’s newest and sensual track features Wisin, the reggaeton artist who rose to fame singing side by side his partner in crime Yandel, with whom fans hope that he continues performing after going into hiatus and recently releasing a new song together last September called “Como Antes” which means “As Before.”

JLo’s and Wisin’s collaboration also includes a steamy music video directed by Jessy Terrero that was also released last Friday. In the video, Jenny also features dancers from World of Dance, the dance competition show where she is one of the judges, including Eva Igo, Diana Pombo, The Lab, Ian Eastwood, and the Power Peralta Twins.

The video has already generated more than 9,000,000 million views just on YouTube and fans can see the girl who played Selena in the 1997 film carrying her name, returning to her “Jenny From The Block” roots and singing in Spanish.

“I really love singing in Spanish. There’s just something about it that is more romantic and passionate to me, and that’s such a core part of who I am,” said JLo in an interview with HOLA! USA. “I feel like I sing better in Spanish. We’re all interpreting songs as we go through life, right?”

Article inspired by People // Jennifer Lopez Direct Messaged These Fans — Here’s Why