It seemed like these boys’ families expected a different reaction when they recorded them opening their Christmas gifts. The children unwrapped their presents and came across really unusual items.

One of them received a box of cereal and the other a box of donuts. Their reaction was so sweet because they didn’t show a sign of discontent. Instead, both boys got excited when they saw what their parents bought for them.
As you can see in one video, the boy that got the donuts excitedly unwrapped his present. A donut rolls onto the floor as he and his family scream, “Donuts!” You can see the happiness on the child’s face as he shares his present with the family.
The other boy removed the gift wrap from the box as his family asked him if that’s what he wanted for Christmas. “Yes. I already have cereal, but this one is for when I run out of the other one,” the boy says. The family asked him to pose for a picture with his brand new cereal box, and he did so happily.
The fact that the boys did not demand a different gift surprised both families. What one boy didn’t know, though, is that the real surprise was waiting inside the cereal box.
The cereal box was only a joke to see his reaction. When he saw the inside of the box, he found two Play Station 4 video games: Injustice and Mortal Kombat XL.
Both boys’ reactions went viral on social media with each video surpassing one million views. The touching images show that what matters is the intention and not the price.
This article was inspired by Puente Libre // VIRAL: Así reaccionaron niños al regalarles donas y cereal en Navidad