A horrible incident happened on Thursday in the parking lot of the Elgin Mall in St. Thomas, Ontario, Canada. A 36-year-old man attacked a Colombian family, accusing them of being terrorists.
According to Toronto City News, the man was mad because the family was speaking Spanish while walking in the parking lot. The family was apparently recording everything with a cell phone.

One can hear the attacker yelling, “get the f— out of here! Terrorists! We got terrorists here! We have ISIS right here!” He even called them “French terrorists” at one point.
The victims were a family of three: the husband, wife, and their 13-year-old son. They claimed that the man was about to attack the boy before the father jumped in.
The father got taken to the hospital with broken ribs, and the man escaped in a white BMW. Police arrested the attacker and charged him with aggravated assault and three counts of assault with a weapon.
More charges could be placed as police investigate him.
Despite being a peaceful country – seventh worldwide according to Forbes, 2015 – Canada is not exempt from hate crimes. According to the National Observer, hate crimes in Canada are increasing each year and becoming much more violent.
This article was inspired by RAWSTORY // WATCH: Bat-wielding racist attacks Latino family while screaming ‘ISIS!’ and ‘Terrorists!’