The Red Cross in Obregon, Sonora, offered medical treatment to 214 different people this Christmas Eve. Between the night of December 24th night and the morning of December 25th, a 5-year-old suffered second-degree burns because of a firework mishap and a teenager almost lost her right eye because of another firework-related accident.

An old lady spilled boiling menudo – a traditional Mexican soup – on her feet and legs. There were eight car accidents, one bullet wound injury, and six asphyxiation cases to tend to in that time.
These are all typical Christmas Eve-type mishaps the Red Cross treats every single year around this season. However, among them, was one particular case which stood out.
A skinny 25-year-old woman got food poisoning after eating 20 whole tamales in a couple of minutes. The Red Cross commander, Jose Luis Osegueda, felt baffled because of the woman’s case, as these kinds of events are not very common.

“She arrived with food poisoning. She ate a lot of tamales – 20 tamales. These are rare cases for us, when people get here with food poisoning it’s usually due to the fact that they ate too much,” he explained.
This article was inspired by ADN40 // ¡Para no creer! Termina en el hospital por comer 20 tamales en Nochebuena