After dressing up as a Japanese geisha at the American Music Awards in 2013, and thinking it was okay to sport cornrows in her “This Is How We Do” music video back in 2014, one would think Katy Perry would have got the memo regarding cultural appropriation.

In her recently released music video for her song “Hey Hey Hey,” however, the pop-rock singer is back at it again. This time she is not taking anything from Asian or African-American culture but from Latinos, instead.
The video follows Perry’s standard over-the-top nature with an ode to the Victorian era mixed with modern elements. Actresses and actors sporting colorful 18th-century style dresses, hair, and makeup are seen throughout the video.
And suddenly, after the video hits the 0:48 mark, in a scene lasting six seconds, the popular Mexican snack ‘Takis’ makes an appearance. The scene screams out product placement, as Katy lunges towards a bowl filled to the brim with the spicy chips and has the camera focus on the chips as if shooting a commercial.
Fans called her out on gentrification and having sold out for Takis. Twitter user Dillon Fernando posted, “Times must be tough for @katyperry if she has to include a product placement for ‘takis’ potato chips in her latest music video.”
Others felt the singer betrayed ‘Flamin’ Hot Cheetos,’ a spicy snack the singer recurrently hinted she is obsessed with. It doesn’t come as a surprise people are sensitive about this kind of issue regarding Perry due to her track record.
“Katy Perry having a Takis product placement in her new video might be the most offensive thing to happen in 2017,” tweeted another social media user.
This article was inspired by VIVALA // Fans are furious with Katy Perry for appropriating a beloved Latinx snack.