This Tuesday, a devastating earthquake hit central Mexico. Almost 100 buildings collapsed and 225 people have died, with that number rising by the hour. Rescue efforts are underway all over the affected areas, here’s how you can help the cause, no matter where you are.
Donate to the Graphic Arts Institute of Oaxaca, Mexico. The campaign is organized by Denise Lechner Edelkind, a National Geographic photographer and anthropologist in the field in the affected area, as well as the Francisco Toledo’s Foundation IAGO, a foundation for the Oaxaca artist and activist of the same name.
International organizations are also a good way to help, UNICEF Mexico has called the Mexico City earthquake the “biggest disaster we have experienced this decade,” and has an online donation portal set up just to help with earthquake disaster relief.
Ayuda al regreso a la normalidad de niños y niñas del #TerremotoMexico con @Privalia_Mexico
— UNICEF México (@UNICEFMexico) September 20, 2017
Save the Children Mexico is also collecting donations online to help the youngest victims of Mexico’s two earthquakes. As it notes on its website, approximately 40 percent of those affected by Mexico’s 8.1 magnitude earthquake are children.
Project Paz, a New York City-based non-profit organization helping Latino children throughout the United States, has organized a Mexico Earthquake Relief fundraiser in partnership with the El Paso Community Foundation.
If you want to help in a more specific way, you can actually help support Red Cross Mexico with more than just making a monetary donation: You can buy much-needed earthquake relief supplies from Red Cross Mexico’s Amazon Wish List.
You can buy and donate items needed by the Mexican Red Cross in: Cruz Roja Mexicana
— The Mexico Institute (@MexicoInstitute) September 20, 2017
Topos México is an incredible organization that surfaced with the 1985 quake in Mexico City, the are a specialized group that focuses on looking for people in the rubble. They are accepting donation through PayPal at the email: [email protected].
Gracias por ayudar a nuestra labor:
Santander 92000709294 CLABE 014180920007092942
Paypal: [email protected]— Topos® México (@topos) September 13, 2017
The Mexican Red Cross is also a great way to contribute to the rescue efforts, they are currently under working non-stop to rescue people from the rubble and provide medical attention to those already rescued. You can donate here.
Más de mil 500 elementos, 100 de ellos especialistas en búsqueda y rescate en estructuras colapsadas se suman a las labores. #Sismo #CDMX
— Cruz Roja Mexicana IAP (@CruzRoja_MX) September 20, 2017
The epicenter of the earthquake was in Morelos, which is located right next to Mexico City. The state was also severely damaged and is in desperate need of help. You can donate specifically to the Morelos chapter of the Red Cross, you can do this via Paypal in their site.
Home Depot’s Mexican website is offering to get much needed tools to the relief efforts, head on over to their website and follow the instructions to donate.

Have a lot of followers on Instagram and Facebook friends? You can help by sharing useful information and tools to help the efforts, here’s a super useful person finder, a list of rescued people, and a map with collapsed buildings and the places where help is needed.
If you happen to live near Mexico City, make your WiFi connection public so that victims and families may get in touch with each other. If it’s safe for you to do so, consider joining the thousands of volunteers helping in the streets.
The site compiles all the ways you can help the victims, check it out and contribute to aid our brothers and sisters in Mexico in their time of need.