First Halloween Under Trump Won’t Be Controversy-Free, Party City Releases Racist Costumes

It’s no secret that tensions are high these days in America. Since Donald Trump got elected to office, the sewers of racism started flooding our streets. Blatant displays of discrimination have become the norm now that hatemongers are allowed to be out in the open.

Halloween has always been a holiday where people are free to explore the “darker side” of oneself. We dress as monsters and revel on our worst nightmares. We expose our somber natures to others, all while we share spooky stories and delicious treats.

Sure, someone always takes it a step further with their darkness, but up until now, it’s always been a fun holiday where people can blow off some steam before blowing their savings on expensive holiday gifts. But what about this year though? This will be the first Halloween under Donald Trump, and many of our worst nightmares have already come true for a lot of the minorities living in America. Racist, sexist, hatemongers like holidays too, so what will happen when they dig deeper into their already dark souls to bring out the even bigger monster they carry inside? Well, Party City is here to help.

Image credit to Party City

Imagine walking into your friend’s Halloween get together, and Chad is standing next to the cooler with the drinks, dressed as a border patrol agent. I’m sure this has happened many times before, and up until now it was nothing more than just innocent dark humor, but nowadays one can’t be so sure about that. And that’s awful because Latinos are characterized like people with a sense of humor that can take a joke, but how can our community walk around with their usual smile, if our neighbors secretly (or not so secretly now) want us out of the country.

Maybe we’re looking too much into this costume. It could be a reference to Pink Floyd’s famous album The Wall. But then again, how naive do you have to be to think that a costume like this is a good idea for the first Halloween under Donald Trump? What’s wrong with dressing as Dracula like a normal person?

The description of the costume doesn’t help put one’s concerns at ease either – it’s too ambiguous. They could have just said it was made for the classic rock fan, and it would have been fine, but we can at least agree that going out like this could lead to gross misinterpretations.

Image credit to ITV

Other people, however, believe that this costume carries no negative connotations whatsoever. For the sake of Party City and Halloween, we really hope so, but seeing how Donald Trump supporters have already dressed as ‘walls’ before, the argument that all this commotion is just SJW nonsense doesn’t really put our minds to rest.

This article was inspired by Vivala//People are actually defending this offensive wall costume sold by Party City