Luis Arturo Ruiz Mendoza, who works as a delivery man for a bread company in Mexico, was shocked when a small boy began showing up early in the morning to help with his delivery job.
Every day at 10:00 AM, David, 6, arrived punctually and helped by carrying packages of bread inside the small community’s grocery store. He also helped to arrange them on the store’s shelves.

Nicknamed “El Chalancito” by Luis Arturo – which roughly translates to “little helper” – Luis Arturo shared a picture of the boy to social media. El Chalancito is smiling in the picture while carrying a bread basket, with messy hair due to waking up early.
After the picture went viral, Luis Arturo and his family began collecting toys, clothes, and money for the hardworking boy from Villa Allende, Coatzacoalcos. As part of the #ThanksForInspiringUs [#GraciasPorInspirarnos] campaign, bakery-product company also asked the community to help David.
David was wonderstruck and says he wants to be a delivery man when he grows up. “I’m okay, I’ll go to school until fifth grade, and when I’m older I’ll deliver bread,” said the 6-year-old. El Chalancito’s family’s business is fishing, and they get by with about $5 a day.

David’s mother, Juana del Carmen Díaz Moreno, thanked everyone for the help her son received. Out of her three children, only two go to school since they can’t afford any better.
They live in Miguel Ángel de Quevedo street, in a small house built with aluminum metal sheets. Despite the poverty, they claim to be a happy family.
Although the family reached out to state and city government officials on various occasions, their pleas for help never got heard, until now.
Article inspired by DEBATE // Viral: historia del niño “Chalancito” llena de inspiración