A Child Destroyed $1,300 Worth of Sephora Makeup And Now The Mom Is Being Shamed

A picture of a Sephora makeup display featuring more than $1,000 in makeup that was completely destroyed is making its rounds on the internet and has outraged many makeup enthusiasts, including makeup artist Brittney Nelson who snapped the picture of the ruined display and urged mothers to leave their “tiny humans” at home while out shopping.


Nelson says she came across the gruesome scene when she entered the cosmetics chain store in Augusta, Georgia, last Saturday night and claims that she saw a mother with her kid fleeing the store. Her Facebook post has since gone viral, to the moment it has been shared 26,310 times and it features over 19,000 comments and 21,000 reactions.

Nelson claimed in her post that the display was in fact destroyed by a small child, but never actually saw the kid doing it. “We walked in right as a lady and her kid were hustling out of there,” Nelson told INSIDER. “The glittery footprints helped us decipher it was a tiny human.”

The reaction to Nelson’s post was varied, while many understood her point, others found it to be “mom shaming”, triggering a wide discussion not only in the comments of her post but on Twitter as well. “I woke up to the internet mob of insanity because of my one cranky post,” Nelson told INSIDER. “I honestly don’t think I said anything 99% of people don’t think anyway so I’m not that devastated by the hurricane of it.”

Below is the complete Facebook post, you be the judge.

“$1300 of Make Up Forever eyeshadow destroyed at Sephora tonight due to a small child. I’m sure he/she thought they were like finger paints and had no idea how naughty they were being. Tons of destroyed product and pissed Sephora cast members are a not a happy place to be. Mammas, please shop for your makeup without your tiny humans. It’s not fun for you…or them…or the expensive product.

Anna Heath and I about passed out when we saw this atrocity. Being me, I’ve needed to bring Allie into many makeup stores as she’s grown and had a strict ‘hands in pockets’ rule for her and a strict 10-minute rule for me. It was very helpful so if you must take your kiddos makeup shopping I suggest trying it. This massive demolished palette makes me. Makeup should always make me.

*It looked 100X worse in real life and I don’t work for Sephora. I was just walking in as the mom/kid were hustling out of there.”

Article inspired by INSIDER // A child reportedly destroyed over $1,000 of makeup at Sephora — and the photos are horrific