Oscar and Irma Sanchez are undocumented immigrants, and parents to a two-month-old American citizen. Their…
Oklahoma City Cops Fatally Shoots Latino Deaf Man
In another tragic turn of events involving the Oklahoma police departments, a 35-year-old deaf man…
Trump Lays Down Punishment To Countries Who Won’t Take Back Deportees
The countries of Cambodia, Eritrea, Guinea, and Sierra Leona, have now been added to Trump’s…
Trump To Fast-Track Deportations Of Teen Children
The POTUS administration is currently in the process of drafting a deportation plan, that specifically…
Meet Frida, The Mexican Navy’s Amazing Rescue Dog
In times of great despair, great heroes always emerge, these days Mexico has catapulted more…
The Impossible Rescue: Frida Sofía, The Trapped Little Girl That Never Existed
A little girl supposedly trapped in the rubble of a Mexico City school knocked down…
Wealth Gap Shows Racial Inequality In America
Racial Inequality in the U.S. is becoming a very polarizing issue, with some saying that…
Wealth Gap Shows Racial Inequality In America
Racial Inequality in the U.S. is becoming a very polarizing issue, with some saying that…
Young Immigrant Pleaded That Deportation Would Kill Him, His Body Was Just Found In Mexico
Gang violence in Mexico is a major factor in people immigrating to the United States,…
Puerto Rico Starts Mass Evacuations In The Wake Of Dam Failure, Terrible Images
Hurricane Maria ripped through Puerto Rico in quick succession after Hurricane Irma, taking the lives…