Sony’s new Spider-Man movie features someone entirely different than the always trustable Peter Parker. A young Black-Latino teen named Miles Morales is the new masked hero.
The trailer got unveiled at Brazil’s Comic-Con on December 9th, and the promo material called it a “fresh vision of a different Spider-Man universe.” The movie is set to get released for Christmas 2018.

The new character was introduced by Marvel Comics in 2011 and is taking the superhero spot after Parker’s death in Ultimate Spider-Man. It was part of the series that imagined an alternate universe for Marvel characters so the Latino kid became the new Spider-Man in 2015.
Sony announced a new animated Spider-Man film that same year and revealed that Morales would feature in it, voiced by Shameik Moore. Bo Persichetti, Peter Ramsey, and Rodney Rothman directed the movie, with a screenplay by Lord.
Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse is not connected to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Oscar-winning actor Mahershala Ali and Live Schriber are also part of the voice cast.
Once again, Latino power is present in the animated film industry. With Mexico’s Day of the Dead themed movie, Pixar’s Coco, and now Spider-Man being Latino, the Latino influence is undeniable, and fortunately, the big industry is noticing.
This article was inspired by SCROLL.IN // Watch: In ‘Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse’ trailer, it’s not Peter Parker behind the mask